Welcome to Pymble Public School P&C Page
At Pymble Public School, the P&C plays an important role in supporting the school's teaching and learning activities.
Our parents & citizens' association (P&C) brings the school community together. Parents, teachers and community members can help meet the needs of the school community and contribute to decisions about the school.
The P&C also raises funds that help finance improvements to our school and provide additional resources.
Working in close co-operation with the school Principal and teachers, the P&C assists with resourcing a wide range of activities for our children to enhance and extend their experience at the school. Whether in class, on the field or stage, there is a very strong "whole of community" approach to the well-being of our students at Pymble Public.
These activities require the ongoing generosity of the community, both in time and funds. As such, the P&C at Pymble Public undertakes a range of fundraising family events throughout the year. These fundraisers contribute to the school's budget and ensure all students at Pymble Public can enjoy an engaging and fulfilling time at the school, no matter what their interests.
Whether you are a past, present or a future PPS parent, please explore our web site. If you require any additional information regarding the P&C and our activities, contact the school office who will forward your query to the appropriate committee member. Or, you may wish to attend a P&C meeting. We convene the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm and all are welcome to attend.
Click here for more information on how to get involved.
Click here for information on P&C and meeting dates.
Click here for more information on how you can get involved at Pymble Public School.