Security, Restricted belongings, Lost property & Transport
Custody matters If a court order refuses a parent's access to a child a copy will be required by the service, accompanied by a photo of the prohibited person. If a prohibited person attempts to collect your child from Poosh the procedure is as follows: Educators immediately notify Cara or Igor. They will instruct an educator to inform the Police and primary carer. Cara or Igor will advise the prohibited person of the Court Order. Cara or Igor will verbally try to prevent or delay departure. NB: Staff cannot physically prevent departure. This is the role of the Police.
Restricted belongings Children are not permitted to bring chewing gum, ipods, ipads, mobile phones, aggressive toys or weapons to the service. Parents should clearly label articles of clothing and other personal possessions. Poosh will not be held accountable if these are missing.
Lost property Educators cannot assume any responsibility for children's clothing or other personal possessions. Lost property is placed in the school lost property area-the large containers next to the uniform shop, directly opposite the band room under the school hall.
Transporting children The centre aims to transport children safely and on time to any excursion or extra-curricular activity Poosh has organised. For external activities please organise transportation with their coordinators.
Health & safety Never will the health or safety of centre users be compromised. The centre is a 'no smoking/no alcohol/no illegal drug' area. Centre staff are required to maintain a safe, healthy and clean environment for the children. Centre educators are responsible for the removal of food scraps daily. Other rubbish is to be removed by the cleaners. Children must not light or be in possession of matches, lighters or any incendiary device.
In the instance of an intoxicated parent/guardian collecting a child, educators will advise the person of the centre’s duty of care to the child- to not let them leave the premises with an intoxicated person. The Responsible Person will contact the second point of call, inform them of the situation and organise an alternative transport arrangement for the child. For more information the policy can be obtained by emailing pooshcare@gmail.com
Accidents All accidents requiring medical treatment will be recorded on a major incident report form, parents will be informed, and a signature of acknowledgement will be required on the report. Each shift at least 2 staff members will hold current Accredited First Aid Certificates.
Fully maintained, portable First Aid Kits are available at the centre.
Nutrition We aim to provide nutritional food that meets the safety and dietary requirements of all children. All children’s individual needs such as allergies, will be addressed in the centre menu. A list of children’s allergies or food restrictions is located in the food preparation area, to ensure all educators are aware of these. We do not serve or make foods that directly contain nuts.
Sun Protection We aim to ensure that all children attending Poosh will be protected from the sun. All educators are encouraged to model appropriate sun protection behaviour and enforce the sun protection policy. Educators will encourage children wear hats for outdoor play which is not under cover. Children who do not apply sunscreen or have a hat may retrieve a spare one from the centre. Each afternoon when the UV is 3 or above children will apply sunscreen under supervision from staff. Parents are encouraged to apply sunscreen to their child prior to arriving at before school care, however a SPF 30+ sunscreen will be available in Poosh for educators and children all year round. Where a child has an allergy or sensitivity to sunscreen parents will notify centre staff and the child will be added to our child allergy list. Poosh will incorporate sun and skin protection awareness activities in the program.
Emergency Drills The centre will practise emergency procedure drills at least once per term in accordance with our Emergency and Evacuation policy. The centre’s fire and emergency procedures are clearly displayed in all Poosh rooms at the entry point as well as in the policy documentation.