Family and Community Involvement
A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark. At Poosh we recognise that each child benefits most when collaborative partnerships are formed between the child, the service, and the community. When effective partnerships are formed educators can promote children's lifelong learning through facilitating learning experiences which are focused on promoting creativity and spontaneity in line with every child’s interests.
Parents are encouraged to become involved in our service by recommending activities, providing feedback and recommendations, contributing to our philosophy, assisting with joint projects with the P&C, joining our management committee and visiting during incursions & termly events. Daily our educators communicate with respect and provide feedback on children’s involvement in the program to both the children and parents. This open communication between the child, family and educators demonstrates to each child their involvement is significant and this process is vital to the child’s wellbeing. Parents and children regularly share current interests, and these influence the community excursions and incursions we offer. Poosh is actively involved in the community and has a variety of ongoing partnerships based on the children and families interests.

A Brazilian Jiu Jitsu incursion- Encouraging the children to try something new & develop resilience and self-discipline skills which our children, families and us feel are vital to each child’s wellbeing!
Our educators
As educators we believe…
"Experience precedes understanding"
Jean Piaget
We aim to create an inclusive play environment full of enriching experiences based on each child’s interests.
Our educators are focused on creating a safe, secure, caring environment with a responsive and inclusive atmosphere. The foundation of this environment is based on ensuring we as educators are led by our children’s interests and develop positive, meaningful trusting relationships with our children. All educators have undergone a Working with Children Check before commencing work at the centre.
We recognise as educators’ children may forget what we say at times, but they will never forget how we make them feel. We believe that to foster strong meaningful relationships we must show an interest in our children’s lives and treat them with respect. Over time these meaningful connections will increase each child’s confidence to express themselves as individuals. Through fostering meaningful relationships, we ensure that there are no barriers between ability, backgrounds or needs.
All Poosh educators actively role model positive behaviours so that when your children are presented with obstacles and challenges in different environments they know how to respond and remember to value themselves as unique and special individuals. Our educators guide children’s behaviour, helping them to express a range of emotional responses through enquiry. Children need to know we understand their feelings and are there to guide them on their journey developing and sustaining self-discipline. Even after dealing with confrontation educators act in a positive way and focus on what the children can learn from each experience. As educators we remind our children we are still learning too. Every person is on a journey of ongoing learning, and we regularly reflect on both their and our experiences/ progress.
Educators who prioritise nurturing relationships through culturally safe and responsive interactions, provide children and young people with consistent emotional support. Exhibiting qualities of fairness, humour, sympathy and understanding, builds respectful and trusting relationships between children and young people, their families, colleagues and other professionals. Educators foster independence and initiative thereby nurturing children and young people’s agency and leadership skills.
We understand that the role of the educators in critical reflection and gathering feedback from children and young people and their families is vital to improve practice. These approaches create authentic and meaningful assessment and value children's role in assessing their learning. They capture an inclusive and holistic view of children's learning, promoting the child or young person’s voice and contribution.
The My Time Our Place Planning Cycle links to the Outcomes and guides how educators make decisions about curriculum planning, in the moment, throughout the day and overtime ensuring we install high expectations and equity in all aspects of the service so we strive towards the visions outlined in our philosophy. They regularly use their knowledge of theorists, frameworks and current research to guide their practice and develop a growth mindset alongside the children.