Enrolment, Orientation, Delivery and Collection of Children Procedures
Enrolments applications for the forthcoming year will open on the 10th of December each year. We have both casual and permanent places available daily.
页面底部有中文手册 (which means a Chinese handbook can be found at the bottom of the page).
How do I enrol?
STEP 1. Complete Link 1- Days of Care (choosing casual or selecting a weekly/fortnightly schedule).
STEP 2. Next complete Link 2 - Hubworks. Enrolment form (contact details, authorised collectors, & child information)

STEP 3. Email pooshcare@gmail.com stating your application is complete. Please note all newsletters, invoices notifications will be emailed from communications@ hubhello.com.
STEP 4. If you have enrolled your child in an externally run activity whilst at Poosh e.g. swimming, drama, mandarin or band then please complete the CORRECT activity form below. ONE ENTRY IS REQUIRED PER ACTIVITY. If needed an out of school activity list can be obtained from the school office. Please remind your child they MUST sign into Poosh prior to their activity even if it starts at 3pm otherwise to us they are deemed missing & we need to search for your child. They must also sign back into their collection centre if returning to Poosh after their activity finishes.
For kindy children, older Poosh children will walk your child to their activity for the first month of the term. Please arrange with the activity coordinator their arrangements for returning to Poosh. Please remember whilst attending an activity and whilst walking to and from an activity your child is signed out of Poosh.
Children with additional needs: Poosh is an inclusive environment and caters for all children attending Pymble Public school. When enrolling please email Cara or Igor at pooshcare@gmail.com to arrange a time to discuss your child’s needs so that we can ensure that they are fully integrated into our service. After collaborating with you if deemed beneficial to your child's involvement in the program, an application for inclusion support funding will be completed. We believe that all children and young people have the right to participate in quality and inclusive out of school hours settings, regardless of their circumstances, strengths, gender, capabilities or diverse ways of doing and being.
While there is no national definition of ‘additional needs’, there are children who may need or require specific considerations or adaptations to participate fully at Poosh although not all children with additional needs will require support).The Inclusion Support Program (ISP) supports educators to address access and participation barriers and to support the inclusion of children with additional needs, with their typically developing peers.
The Inclusion Support Program recognises that additional needs may arise for children who:
have a disability or developmental delay
are presenting with challenging behaviours
have a serious medical or health condition, including mental health
are presenting with trauma-related behaviours
Meeting the needs and requirements of:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
children from Refugee or humanitarian backgrounds
who may also require special considerations, such as cultural support, to ensure that they are able to participate fully at Poosh and experience positive outcomes.
If your child struggles with busy transitions a plan can also be developed with you and the school to ensure predictable, consistent routines across environments are established.
What is the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)? The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is the main way the Australian Government helps families with childcare fees. For more information about the subsidy visit: https://www.dese.gov.au/child-care-subsidy
How do I find out if I am eligible for the Childcare subsidy and how do I claim? Please visit:https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/how-to-claim-child-care-subsidy?context=4118
This website helps you to set up your MyGov and Centrelink accounts and creates a CRN number for your child and yourself if you haven’t already got one!
What if my child has a diagnosed medical condition (asthma, anaphylaxis, ADHD, ASD, anxiety or an allergy?) You must provide us with a current medical management plan signed by a medical practitioner, in date medication and complete the risk management form.
A child’s start date will be postponed if these documents are not provided.
What if my child requires medication whilst at Poosh? If a child requires medication to be administered whilst at the service, the person delivering the child must document this via our Administration of Medication form
Prescription medication will only be administered to the child for whom it is prescribed, from the original container bearing the child’s name and with a current use by date. Non-prescription medication will not be administered at the service unless authorised by a doctor.
Medication must be given directly to an educator and not left in the child’s bag. Educators will store the medication appropriately and clearly labeled.
If anyone other than the parent is bringing the child to the service, an email or written permission note from the parent, including the above information, must accompany the medication.
We do not allow children to self administer medication alone. It will always be administered in front of an educator so we can ensure that medication was taken accurately.
On your child’s first day at Poosh we will ensure your child’s interests are incorporated into our program, buddy them up with some children with similar interests, and check in with them regularly! When collecting your child, our educators will notify you of your child’s involvement in our program and answer any queries you may have.
At Poosh there are 3 centres k&1, 2&3 & 4,5 & 6 ensuring children’s development needs and interests are met. Each week the educators work in the same area to ensure children see familiar faces and can establish meaningful relationships.
We also welcome families to come and meet us prior to your child’s first day of care so they can familiarize themselves with their new environment and routine . At kindy orientation day, we will discuss the service in more detail and families can ask questions or email any queries to pooshcare@gmail.com
What if my child doesn’t settle in? At Poosh there are 3 centres k&1, 2&3 & 4,5 & 6 ensuring children’s development needs and interests are met. Each week the educators work in the same area to ensure children see familiar faces and can establish meaningful relationships. For many children at Pymble Public School Poosh is a highlight of their day but we know that for some children it can take a little longer to settle in. If this is the case with your child, please talk to the educators and together we will establish a plan of action so that your child can feel secure and become a confident and involved learner at Poosh.
We know when we collectively promote greater continuity to assist positive transitions between home and the OSHC setting and school positive outcomes for children and their families are achieved so we welcome your recommendations to help your child feel safe and secure across all settings.
Kindy children
When do we start taking kindy enrolments? In term 4 enrolments open. Please note enrolments completed before this date will automatically delete from our system. Siblings of children already attending Poosh will receive priority, as these families are already enrolled in the service. We recommend completing an enrolment form at least two weeks prior to the school year to ensure your child’s place is secured.
Kindy Orientation: To familiarise the children with their new surroundings, kindy children will be transported to and from school by Poosh educators during the first term of the school year. At 8:30am Poosh educators will walk your child to his/her classroom to drop off their bag, ensure they are comfortable in their play environment and introduce them to the teacher on duty who they can talk to if they have any queries until the bell rings at 8.55am. Between 2.30pm and 2.55pm whilst the school day is shorter a teacher from the school will supervise the Poosh children until 2.55pm. Poosh educators will then collect the kindy children from their classrooms and walk them down to the centre. Having a familiar smiling face greeting them ensures that our new children feel safe and secure whilst adjusting to their new routine. After term 1 your child's teacher will release the Kindy Poosh children before their peers so that they can walk collectively to Poosh whilst the playground is quieter and there are less distractions allowing them to develop independence.
Will there be space for my child to rest and relax after and before school? At Poosh we have a range of passive and active play spaces to cater for all children needs. Whilst the majority of children who access our service may never need to sleep or rest during their time at the service, it is important that we accommodate the rest needs of all children regardless of their age if needed. Children and young people may engage in passive leisure to re-energise or reset, and active leisure including sports, dance and games. Leisure is intrinsically valuable and does not have to be productive.
How do we promote good hygiene at Poosh? To keep our community healthy children are encouraged to wash their hands when they arrive each day, prior to eating, cooking, playing with animals or after any messy activities. They wipe down our surfaces as part of our daily practices and regularly discuss hygiene as part of our program. Antibacterial wipes at sign out stations are available for families to use whilst signing their children out.
How will my child be taken and collected from Poosh? Children walk independently to school in the mornings at 8:30am when there is a teacher to supervise the playground and also walk independently from class to Poosh each afternoon . We welcome families to arrange a visit to Poosh prior starting care so that your child can familarise themselves with their environment and walk the route with you. We also encourage you to inform your child’s teacher so that they can pair them up with some else in the class to walk down to Poosh.
How will I be notified about any issues on incidents that have occurred at Poosh? When a child has voiced concerns,or is distressed, educators know to inform management and centre educators. As we know families are children’s first teachers they are often contacted to gain greater knowledge about their expertise and child raising practices. We explain our immediate response and encourage your input by asking “How would you approach this situation at home?’ to ensure that we can provide the best support for each individual. If the situation is minor and is resolved quickly they guardian will be informed when collecting their child.
Delivery of children: Any person delivering a child to the service MUST sign the child in. This is a legal requirement. Failure to sign your child into the service will result in a fine of $15 except in an extenuating circumstance which you have notified the service of and an arrangement has been made to ensure the safe arrival of the child.
Collection of Children: Children must be collected by the closing time of the service.
Any person who is collecting a child from the service must be listed as an authorised nominee on the child’s enrolment form with their contact details. The collection list must be kept current and updated on a regular basis. Any amendments to a regular pickup must be added to Hubworks.
To ensure the safety of all children, the person picking up the child may be required to provide photo identification. This includes authorised collectors and parents/guardians if they are unfamiliar to the centre educators.
Children can only be signed out by an older sibling or nanny if the parent has authorised it via the Hubworks Enrolment form.
Educators should be notified as soon as possible if the authorised nominee will be later than expected and the child will be informed.
In the case of an emergency where a child’s authorised nominees cannot collect the child and someone not on the collection list will be collecting the child, the service must be notified by phone or email as soon as possible by an authorised nominee. If the notification was by phone the parent will be requested to send authorisation via email ASAP and an identification check will be required for an alternative pick up arrangement in the case of an emergency.
Absent and Missing Children: Parents/guardians are to advise the Centre if their child will be absent on a day that they are booked into afternoon care, whether it be a permanent or casual booking, even if the school has been informed. If the child is sent home from school, notification of this absence is still required.
What if my child doesn’t attend their scheduled morning? Poosh will not notify you as parents/guardians MUST walk their children down to the service and sign them in.
What if my child doesn’t arrive at Poosh in the afternoon? If a child is absent in an afternoon session when attendance is expected the educator completing the roll will:
Ask other children of their knowledge of where the child might be although this will not be considered as “proof” of a child’s whereabouts.
Notify the responsible person in charge who will call the parents/guardians after roll call. If the child is with the family, parents will be reminded of their notifying responsibilities. They will be charged the “Search Fee” of $15.
If parents are inaccessible, educators will approach the school office and ask for information regarding the child’s departure from school and a call out will be made. Educators will ask the school for assistance in locating the child in the school grounds. The service will ensure supervision is maintained during this process. If the parent was contactable, liaise with the parent regarding the progress of locating their child and if contact was not made continue to attempt to contact the parent/guardian or an emergency contact. If Poosh is still concerned about the whereabouts of the child the matter will be classified as a serious incident and reported to the NSW Regulatory Authority.
If the child remains missing and no parents or emergency contact can be contacted Poosh will notify the police after all of the above has been enacted and the school will be informed of the situation.
Walking home (Primary children ONLY years 4,5 & 6): Written authorisation must be given if the child has permission to leave the service themselves- ‘Walking Home’ Form (for primary aged children only). In this case the room leader will sign the child out at the time specified on their Walking Home Form
Returning Poosh Users: Please email the service to reactivate your Hubworks account. You must ensure all information is up to date prior to your child's first session.
Parent Handbook - Chinese
A version of the Parent Handbook is available in: Chinese
Has poosh been rated against the National Quality Standards?
Poosh is currently rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standard
Where can families and services find out more information about the Assessment and Rating system?
For information for families about the NSW Quality Rating system
The quality ratings are published on the national registers and StartingBlocks.gov.au. Quality ratings can help families choose the right service for their child.
POOSH Rating Certificate

Poosh recognises the Darug people, the traditional custodians of the land and pays tribute to elders past present and emerging.